Key bindings

From Train Driver 2
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Main & player person

Key Function Notes
W A S D Walking Hold left SHIFT for running
Camera rotation
Space Jump
F9 HUD on/off
F10/Esc Exit to main menu
Mouse scroll Zoom regulation
Left mouse button Interaction with objects


Key Function Notes
Displaying previous messages in edit textbox
Enter Sending messages, chat activation/disactivation
~ Chat window rollup
Mouse scroll Scrolls chat history

Manual signals

Signals possible to show out of cab by train driver or dispatcher - (film is in polish version only)

Key Function Notes
1 Signal Rm1 - "To me"
2 Signal Rm2 - "Away from me"
3 Signal Rm3 - "Release"
4 Signal Rm4/D2 - "Stop"
5 Signal Rm5 - "Through out"
6 Signal Rm6 - "Tighten"
7 Signal Rh1 - "Brake"
8 Signal Rh2 - "Unbrake"
9 Signal Rh3 - "Brakes right"


See also Chat binds

Key Function Notes
Ctrl + 1 Opening or closing the spawns (checkbox Spawn Point in editor)
Ctrl + 2 Changing the AFK state of the dispatcher
Ctrl + 3 Changing camera mode, binding constantly its movement to mouse's movement
E Using doors to signals box
F11 Teleportation to next signal box


See also Chat binds

Key Function Notes
1 - 7 Use pre-loaded camera positions Works only inside cabin
Ctrl + 1 - 7 Save camera position Works only inside cabin
Left Shift + Moving camera up/down Works only inside cabin
Tab Cab change The cab can only be changed when the driving direction is set to position "0"
F11 Enter/leave cabin Leaving cabin is possible only with speed 10km/h or slower
WSAD Walk in cabin
+ Throttle position increase
- Throttle position decrease
Left Shift + +/- Jump between non-resistant positions
PageUp Direction setter, position forward
PageDown Direction setter, position retract
/ Shunt regulator, next position Applies only to EU/EP07, ET41, EP08 and EP09
* Shunt regulator, previous position Applies only to EU/EP07, ET41, EP08 and EP09
H Siren, low tone
Shift + H Siren, high tone
Num 9 Main brake - upper position
Num 3 Main brake - lower position
Space Alerter confirmance
Num 7 Supporting brake - upper position
Num 1 Supporting brake - lower position
Num 6 Brake releaser
Num 4 Main brake - driving position
Num . Main brake - shocking fill
Num 2 Main brake - first braking position
Num 5 Main brake - full braking
Num 8 Main brake - additional braking
Num 0 Main brake - emergency braking Use only in emergency situations
Left Ctrl + Num 5 Main brake - unplug position
\ Turning on/off the driver's speed asistant (ETCS)

After derailment, use combination of F11 and F9 to see accident position.


Key Function Notes
B Brake switch Mainly 'passengers'
C Compressor on/off
SHIFT + C Odblokowaniem przek. nadmiarowego sprężarki
E Train heating
F Cabin light (lamp nr 1)
G Cabin light darken
SHIFT + G Alerter lamp darken
I Right reflector on/off (white)
SHIFT + I Right reflector on/off (red)
U Top reflector on/off (White only)
Y Left reflector on/off (white)
SHIFT + Y Left reflector on/off (red)
J Battery on/off
K Devices light on/off
SHIFT + K Devices light darken
L Disable linear contactor
M Fast switch off
SHIFT + M Fast switch on
N Difference relay unlock
O Rear pantograph up/down
P Front pantograph up/down
R Sand dispenser
X Converter on/off
SHIFT + X Unlock converter relay
T Fans on/off
Z High start on/off
Q Cabin light (lamp nr 2)
SHIFT + Q High voltage box light on/off


Key Function Notes
Y Left reflector on/off (white)
Shift + Y Left reflector on/off (red)
U Top reflector on/off (white only)
I Right reflector on/off (white)
Shift + I Right reflector on/off (red)
J Left reflector rear on/off (white) SM42 only
Shift + J Back left reflector on/off (red) SM42 only
K Top reflector rear on/off (white only) SM42 only
L Right reflector rear on/off (white) SM42 only
Shift + L Right reflector rear on/off (red) SM42 only
SHIFT + M Start engine
M Stop engine
, Open left doors SN81 only
. Open right doors SN81 only
/ Departure signal SN81 only
; Devices light on/off


Key Function
B Passenger part lights on
SHIFT + B Passenger part lights off
C Compressor on/off
SHIFT + C Compressor unlock
E Passenger part heating on/off
SHIFT + E Cab heating on/off
K Devices light on/off
F Cab light on/off
G Auto-braking lamp darken
SHIFT + G Alerter lamp darken
I Right reflector on/off (white)
SHIFT + I Right reflector on/off (red)
U Top reflector on/off (white only)
Y Left reflector on/off (white)
SHIFT + Y Left reflector on/off (red)
T Reflector darken on/off
J Camshaft system on/off
X Converter on
SHIFT + X Converter off/unlock
L Radio on/off
SHIFT + M Fast switch
N Excess relay unlock
O Rear pantograph up
P Front pantograph up
SHIFT + P Front pantograph down
Z All pantographs down
R Direction boards lightning on/off
, Left doors open
. Right doors open
/ Departure signal
- Left control lamps test
= Right control lamps test
\ Tumble driving mode on/off


Key Function Notes
Delete Delete selected object
Num + Increase speed of camera rotation
Num - Decrease speed of camera rotation
F1 First camera mode
F2 Second camera mode
F3 Camera reset
F4 Save default camera position
F9 Aeronautic pictures mode
S Fast save
Ctrl Multi-select mode
G Copying a group of objects
Ctrl + G Grouping and ungrouping objects
Left Shift Faster camera moving on scenery
Ctrl + 1 Align objects to track on/off
Ctrl + 2 Random object rotation on/off
Ctrl + 3 Terrain auto-update on/off
Ctrl + 4 Axis labeels on coordinates system on/off
Ctrl + 5 Vertical movement of objects on/off
Ctrl + 6 Show rail flatbed on/off
Ctrl + 7 Aeronautical cover showing on/off