
Z Train Driver 2
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Communication with other players

The recommended form of communication for drivers and signallers is TeamSpeak. It allows text and voice conversations between all traffic participants.

Our TeamSpeak-address is:

Individual commands for players

Commands are executed by typing them into the chat window and pressing ENTER to send them.

Command Syntax/Arguments Useable by Description
/clear /clear Dispatcher Clear chat messages.
/me /me [text] Everyone Sends the given [text] formatted in italics to the chat.
/zew1 /zew1 Everyone Selective train driver call - bound to F5 by default.
/zew3 /zew3 Everyone Selective dispatcher call - bound to F6 by default.
/radiostop /radiostop Everyone Activates the signal A1r "Alarm". The Radiostop signal is transmitted to all trains (including the players) in the current session, causing an immediate emergency braking. Bound to F7 by default (press twice to activate).
/tt /tt [nick] [swj],[station],[swyj]; repeated. Dispatcher This command is mainly used during tests to generate basic timetables. The arguments are the driver's [nickname] followed by the entry route, station (including the scenery's number) and the exit route separated by commas. This string is repeated for as long as necessary, separated by semicolons. In a normal game, this command is not used (the SWDR automatically generates and uses the command).
/swdr /swdr [message] Driver Sends the given [message] to all dispatchers online in the SWDR system. Communication with the SWDR is displayed in green.
/number /number Everyone Displays the number of the current scenery.
/length /length Driver Displays the current length of the train.
/weight /weight Driver Displays the current mass of the train.
/sp /sp [signal]:[distance] [consist] Dispatcher This command spawns the given [consist] at the supplied [signal] with the given [distance]. The consist should contain the wagons names, separated by semicolons. From version 2018.1.1 also partial names can be used. The simulator will then choose wagons matching the partial name from the available pool. If multiple wagons are to be spawned, a number can be added like this before the wagon: n: [number of wagons]. Example command: /sp A n:5,eaos;n:2,zaes or /sp Bs_J:35 EP08-006
/rmcar /rmcar [it] Dispatcher Removes all wagons from the named-track ([it], or on the isolation of a points and its adjacent tracks [iz|Iz]). Example: /rmcar GrM_It1 or /rmcar AK_Iz1.
/kick_driver /kick_driver [nick|number] <reason> Dispatcher Kicks the driver with the [nick|number] from the scenery with the supplied [reason]. This command may be used in case of the driver breaking the regulations. nick may contain only the initial characters of the name, as long as it is unique.
/port /port Dispatcher Shows actual port number for TD2-related programs like SCS, SPE, SUP, SPK etc.
/screenshot /screenshot Everyone Saves a screenshot in the Screenshots folder.
/next /next [train_number] Everyone Prints information about the entry route and next station for the player.
/E1758 /E1758 [tekst] Dispatchers Ripped switches service on the sceneries with UZE locks.


Bindings are used to send quick messages between the dispatcher and the drivers. The default content differs depending on the game mode (dispatcher/driver).

Key Game Mode Default message content
F1 Driver Przyjąłem Note: This signals acceptance, like in: "Understood" or "Roger that"
F2 Driver Gotów do odjazdu Note: This signals the train leaving the station, not the driver being ready
F3 Driver -- Please respond --
F4 Driver [Station] to [number]
F5 Driver ZEW1 (selecive call); in offline mode - initialize dummy dispatcher
F6 Driver ZEW3 (selective call); in offline mode - initialize dummy dispatcher
F7 Driver RADIOSTOP (press twice to activate)
F8 Driver Create screenshot (the file will be saved to the Screenshots folder in the main game directory)
F9 Driver HUD hiding
F10 Driver I'm preparing the train to depart
F2 Driver Bye!
Key Game Mode Default message content
F1 Dispatcher Przyjąłem Note: This signals acceptance, like in: "Understood" or "Roger that"
F2 Dispatcher Stój Note: This signals someone to stop
F3 Dispatcher Do mnie Note: This signals someone to drive to the signaller (usually standing along the track)
F4 Dispatcher Ode mnie Note: This signals someone to drive away from the dispatcher (usually standing along the track)
F5 Dispatcher ZEW1 (selective call)
F6 Dispatcher ZEW3 (selective call)
F7 Dispatcher RADIOSTOP (press twice to activate)
F8 Dispatcher Take a screenshot (file will be saved in folder Screenshots in main game directory)
F9 Dispatcher HUD hiding
F10 Dispatcher I'm setting the route
F12 Dispatcher Bye!

To add, customize or remove any of the bindings, you should enter the "Binds" tab in the settings in the simulator. Special phrases can be used to configure binds:
$number $station $lastnumber and html tags: <color=#ffffff> <b> <i> and the commands /zew1 /zew3 and /screenshot.